Upcoming Dragon Boat Launch

For your information, the film “The Boat” about the “Angels Abreast” Dragon boat team who are based in Nanaimo will be screened Semptember 22 at the Malaspina Theatre at Vancouver Island University.
You can find details here: http://www.harbourliving.ca/event/premiere-of-the-boat95/2018-09-22/
Here is a youtube video of a competitive team race start and 200m race.
In the lower left you can see the boat speed in kilometers per hour. You can see they peak at 20 KM/HR and average about 17 KM/HR.
For context, the Quinsam speed is 23 KM/HR.
I wandered in to the office last Tuesday to ask a question. Could we use the natural space beside the “Ways” for the purpose of somehow getting the Dragon Boat out of the water for cleaning etc, on Saturday April 21st.
Well, you all know the end to this story. Don was extremely gracious. He and Simon discussed the easiest and quickest way to get her out, clean and paint. When I questioned him, quite tentatively about the cost, he very quietly said “no cost”..
Gabriolans are SUPER> I told this story to the People assembled at the Steer’s Clinic on Saturday April 21, in Nanaimo, and they were extremely impressed. Some talked about being charged $400 just to get their boat lifted out of the water…
By Wednesday April 18th, Don and I talked at 4:30pm. He told me that she was already cleaned, painted and simply waiting for a reasonable amount of dry time, before they hoisted her back into the water.
WE THANK THE SILVA BAY SHIPYARD SO MUCH for another demonstration of Gabriola Island Generosity….
We need to meet when it is a great time to enable most of you to attend. The suggestion has been a Sunday morning at The Hive. Will this work for you. Please send me an email to <kiwioz@shaw.ca> and I will let you know. Perhaps next Sunday or the one after – 11th or 18th. If Sunday is absolutely the Worst day of your week, let me know. I will go by majority and of course publish via BLOG decisions made. Getting Closer. Now I have to write a letter to the Gabriola Recreation Department and officially request that we take possession of the 20 paddles that they have.
Suggestions have been to possibly run a Parent and Child team. Seniors for sure. My lead stroke for 4 years was a 75 year old powerhouse; the Energiser Bunny. Jean the Machine, we called her. Male, female, fit or not fit, confident or a wee bit scared of beginning an activity – come one, come ALL.
ACTION: Respond to my email when you get it, please.
The listed people, please send me your best email in order that I have a completed list to begin with. I will be bcc’ing you so that no information is shared until we develop a private system for contacting club members only. My suggestion is ROSTERBOT. In fact, I have had an account with them for a year now, in anticipation of getting to this point. BUT all ears, for efficient apps that will do what we need. Paddles UP and Take it Away.
Susje, Bille, Jenny, Shanyn, Grace, Codi and Yolanda – emails PLEASE!!!!